Sunday, March 29, 2015

Who are you representing?

This article is concerning an attorney and executive that was suspended from practicing law as a result of her disrespect to the court in her capacity as a company officer. Naomi Isaacson was CEO of SIST, the Dr. R.C. Samanta Roy Institute of Science and Technology, a religious cult. While in court proceedings, Isaacson released a verbal beating to officers of the court. She also accused the area of being neo-nazi....This story is relevant due to the amount of respect a person must have for legal practice in order to acquire a law degree. At some point in life, Isaacson held the judicial process and the court in high regard. Although I would argue affiliations with a cult have transformed her opinion and she has lost respect for the court. Immediately I consider the "banality of evil," an expression that is the creation of Hannah Arendt, Isaacson began accepting the teachings of the cult.  It is important to know that her suspension was not the result of her behavior as an attorney. However, an attorney is expected to behave with the highest amount of respect to the court and judicial process. I am pretty sure that her affiliation with the cult has made her behavior more extreme as the ideology of most cults is extremely dark. It also possible Isaacson put a great deal of trust in the court and government and somehow feels betrayed......Just my thoughts...

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