Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Just Marrried

This weeks article involves, arguably, one of the most morally charged subjects today. It headlines a Supreme court decision that asks: (1)whether states have a right to limit marriage to a union between man and woman; (2) if valid, would same sex marriages have to be honored in states that forbid same-sex marriages. Moral absolutism has no place for variations from a traditional marriage. A person would marry an individual of the opposite sex. Justices provide some insight, that policy imposing same-sex marriage requirements on states, would be unpalatable for religious reasons. The issue with granting same-sex marriages is in determining if such an action would be harmful to society. But how would they know?....They wouldn't. The emotional thing to do would be to grant each request, but the rational thing to do is consider how new policy would affect current livelihood. For example, a criticism of same-sex, marriage as mentioned in the article, is that such an act would potentially harm traditional marriages. Again, one of the criticisms of utilitarian agenda is the lack of immediacy in consequences. Therefore, a decision will have to be made, but it will take some considerable time before being able to analyze the effects of such policy.

Link to Article on AJC.com

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