Wednesday, April 15, 2015

Man Down

Four weeks of ethics blogging, hoping I get it right this time....Well, I didn't have to search long for this weeks article, as it is a headliner on almost every news site. First, let me say that each week it seems that I post a new article with the same subject...Police. Really, I may have a slight obsession with stories covering their actions. Nonetheless, the link below will direct you to a video of an Arizona officer ramming a suspect with his police cruiser. I will warn you, it is tough to watch. After watching the video I questioned how a human has the capability and mindset to ram another person with a vehicle, considering the outcome of potentially crushing them leading to death...The logic I later learned, that was presented by Terry Bozeman, chief of the Marana, Arizona police department, was that it better to eliminate this one person so that innocent people are not affected by this suspects self-serving actions. I suppose that is reasonable logic; another example of an individual feeling duty-bound to do something that others find repugnant. Im not sure I could ram another human with a vehicle, it seems so inhumane. How can I deal with the difference of opinion relating to this incident? Ethical Relativism. I choose to allow the logic of that Officers decision and the totality of the circumstances surrounding the events leading up to the incident as justification for ramming another human. Scrolling through the comments of various websites there seems to be a general consensus that the officer was justified in his actions; albeit, slightly excessive. The point of me choosing this article and the ensuing rant, is to solve a moral disagreement logically.  I'll admit, this format made that acceptance a lot easier. I am not particularly fond of incidents of excessive force.

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