Thursday, April 23, 2015

P.B. Jams

My blog views are up and I'm not sure why. I thought the only person interested in my blog postings is my instructor.  Finally, a story that will warm your heart AND relates to ethics....Think I hit the jackpot with this one...In summary, a restaurant owner in Oklahoma has opened the doors of her restaurant to service someone that has been rummaging through the dumpster for scraps of food. A sign on the door reads:
 “To the person going through our trash for their next meal, you’re a human being and worth more than a meal from the dumpster. Please come in during business hours for a classic Pb&j, fresh veggies, and a cup of water at no charge. No questions asked. – your friend, the owner.”
Wow! This amazing restaurant owner restaurant owner recognized a person rummaging through trash as a human being. Even an invisible person rummaging through a trash deserves the title "human-being."Interestingly, this weeks readings sought to define a human being. The restaurant owner selflessly opened her business, which by business standards, is open to make money. Certainly can't make money by giving food away for free. In this instance doing what she wanted was not selfish or self-motivated. Some businesses consider people going through trash that is thrown away as theft. However, as a consequence of her act of heroism, her restaurant is receiving nationwide media attention and will likely see an increase in revenue. The cost of kindness is free, but she will be rewarded for her kind gesture. Some comments are arguing that the owner did this for publicity as the sign would be better suited near the dumpster and not the door. Maybe so, but at least the offer is there and another human will eat and not got hungry.

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